Communion / Eucharist: History of:

Part 3: Separated From a Meal

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How have Communion practices changed over the centuries since being instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper?


How did Communion become “guarded and set apart”?


First. In the early church, leaders of the church presided at the love feast, and deacons helped serve. The idea was that these leaders were “servants of the servants of God.” Over time, typical of humans, the servant ideal turned into positions of authority rather than service, then positions of power, and then positions of state. By the Middle Ages, these posts were being bought and sold to the highest offers. The priests and bishops became keepers of the Sacraments, and if you broke church laws, you were excommunicated. Excommunication meant being prevented from taking the Sacraments, meaning, “cut off from God.”


Second. At some point, the doctrine of transubstantiation became prevalent. This is a doctrine that evolved over time, and was not universally taught for the first 5 centuries or so. (Article cont’d.)


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The Sacrament of Communion, or the Eucharist (which means “Thanksgiving”) is the most sacred aspect of Christian faith, the greatest mystery, the greatest sorrow, the greatest blessing, and, when examined closely, the very heart of our Lord Jesus Christ’s life and teaching. Communion is to be approached with humility, confidence, and prayer.


The early believers, taking their cue from “This is the bread of affliction,” which affliction was broken by Jesus, saw Communion as a celebration. A Communion celebration is for remembering that Jesus both broke the chains of our affliction and brought us redemption and freedom. It was not just a somber time to remember our sins and His death. While communion IS a somber time to remember our sins and Jesus’ sacrifice, it is also a celebration.


At the Last Supper, Jesus was celebrating a specific High Holy Day, called the Passover, and He gave new significance to the broken unleavened bread and the cup of wine.


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(Article cont’d.) Transubstantiation is the belief that the Communion bread and wine actually become the physical body and blood of Jesus. For this to happen, it was necessary to have a priest say the proper words and perform the proper actions.


Third. After the Protestant Reformation, the first and second points diminished in importance for Protestants, but 1400 years of church tradition did not change very quickly. Plus, the Reformers took the Communion Scriptures quite seriously that say, “Anyone who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment on him or herself.” So having only ordained Reformers give Communion became a spiritual safety net. Nowadays, most Protestant churches, in some fashion or another, allow laypeople to serve communion under the blessings of ordained clergy. Performing home communions and nursing home communions are examples.


In Review. Most likely when Jesus returns, He is going to have some choice words to say about what history and humans have done with His Sacrament. Many changes have taken place with this church ordinance since the first century church until now. But He who it all represents is The I AM, unchanging yesterday, today, and forever.

One Last Thought. Being separated from a meal has not been the only change in Communion. Jesus began the Last Supper with servant-washing the disciples' feet, which begs two questions. Was this just a routine activity for entering a house and having a meal, like washing one's hands? Or was it a divinely ordered part of Communion, which is presently rarely practiced?


As you can see, the spiritual benefit for Jesus’ “Family” celebrating Communion is ESSENTIAL FOR MAINTAINING A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS!


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Pr   e-filled co mmunion cups offer a communion wafer a nd grape juice in one sanitary, single serving container. 100 pre-filled communion cups per box...


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  • David, another great article ~~ thanks for sharing.
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