God sends His Word and heals, delivers, sets people free from the powers and possession of Satan's demons, He sends his word and heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds and sets their feet on higher ground. God anointing believers to speak forth God's Word that brings salvation to all.. Believers sometimes wonder when God is going to heal that one who is sick or in need of deliverance, and God is wondering when His Children is going to speak forth His Word, so He can bring forth the healing people need....
Yes He does, He also raises the dead, I personaly have prayed and see them raised. He heals, in all aspects. Salvation, SOZO total healing of the body, mind, soal and spirit.Jesus sent his deciples out to raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out deamons and go into all the world and preach the good news(I AM -everything you need I AM)
I have seen it and experienced it...actually I have seen some dramatic, un-mistakable healings. And the most awesome is seeing salvation...a person totally broken and torn away from God being completely reconciled to Him.
Without a doubt yes! I spend my days walking on a pain free ankle that used to sprain and resprain at the drop of a hat. I can limp and hide a limp more ways than most people ever thought possible. Courtesy of finances and stuborness never went to a doctor for this thing. Once climbed a rock slope the day after spraining it climbing a fence I could have gone around. Doubt I helped things much. The cure came as the direct result of a healing meeting roughly 12 years ago. Although I did not receive direct prayer, I touched the affected area as instructed when the leader (someone visiting from Africa) gave a general prayer. Doesn't really matter who he was, God did the work throgh him. I went home with my ankle still doing involuntary stretching and rolling movements. In God's perfect humor I meet and had a conversation with a former classmate while my ankle was doing it's thing. He was clueless and I was saved from embarassment. The next day I walked for a couple of miles in sandles with no support. That would have been a sure thing no-no just two days earlier. I dance, jump, run, and walk for miles without a problem. Praise God! Currently, the Lord has been having me look at emotional wounds and my responses to them. I see that as just another form of healing. So certainly the Lord does still heal.