A pastor was recently asked how many visitors his church has on an average Sunday morning. The pastor said, “Approximately 4 per Sunday.” The interviewer then commented, “That makes about 200 visitors over a year.” After a thoughtful moment, the interviewer asked, “How many new church members were added over the year?” and the pastor proudly reported, “Ten.” The interviewer responded, “Congratulations on the growth of ten!” and after a pause asked, “But what happened to the other 190?”
Is any of the above conversation similar to your church? Most pastors report more than 4 visitors per Sunday, but their regular attendance has remained relatively the same. In the above conversation, 200 visitors are coming through the front door, while 190 are slipping out the back door. Why? Visitors make an unconscious decision within seven minutes of pulling in your church's parking lot if they will return. Do you know the seven critical ministries that make or break the seven-minute first impression? Has your church considered how it can proactively engage visitors to return, who God is purposefully sending your way? Want to close your back door?
Kingdom proudly presents its Visitor Retention Program, a 12-session seminar designed to help you implement step-by-step, proven techniques from a broad research base that bring visitors back to your church. The Visitor Retention interactive learning experience answers (1) how to polish your seven first-impression ministries; (2) two follow-up steps for first time visitors; (3) two follow-up steps for second-time visitors; (4) follow-up for third time visitors; (5) how to turn your regular attendees into fully engaged church members; and (6) how to ensure your members remain fully engaged for a long time. Pastor Wendell Smith, Faith Temple Church, Wauchula, FL, who recently put these activities into practice, grew from a regular attendance of 60 to 85 in two months. Pastor Robert Campbell, New Beginning Christian Church, Leland, NC, grew from an attendance of 280 to 400. That’s an increase of 120! He explained how this was accomplished. He focused his whole church on the Visitor Retention Program, which he named his church’s “Five Star Ministry!” Do you give your visitors a Five-Star experience? Call for Visitor Retention Program details: 800-788-1122.
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