Did you know? All of Creation came into existence with the utterance of sound. "And God said, 'Let there be...'" (Side note: Some contend that Genesis should be translated, "And God sang..." I lean toward this as well. Read on, you'll see why.)
Did you know? Everything God created continues "speaking" that initial sound. I'm sitting at a wooden desk made of molecules. I'm typing on a computer keyboard made of molecules. There is a stained glass lamp beside me made of molecules. My gold wedding band is made of molecules. Everything is made of molecules and all molecules are in motion. All motion creates frequency. Frequency is a sound. The frequency that molecules emit is in the range of approximately 20 octaves above the highest note on the piano.
Did you know? The planets and stars are in motion. Nothing in the universe is absolutely static. All motion creates sound. The frequency of the planets is in the range of approximately 20 octaves below the lowest note on the piano.
Did you know? The Proportion Phi was "discovered" by Phineas, and defined geometrically by Euclides. Fibonacci discovered that the notes of the diatonic scale and harmonics are interrelated by a mathematical proportion called the Proportion Phi.
Did you know? The Proportion Phi is an irrational number, like Pi, whose decimal numbers go on for infinity. The Proportion Phi is the mathematical basis of nearly, if not all, things, operations, growth, creations, and designs around us. To name a few, the Proportion Phi is found in the proportioning of the human body. Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated this with the naked man drawn in a circle. The Proportion Phi is found in the yearly growth of a conch shell, a five pointed star, a developing embryo, the spacing of planets, every geometric shape known to man can be traced back to it, the spacing of petals on flowers, the spacing of leaves growing on a stem, the internal design of an apple core when cut horizontally, and so on. Major architectural structures (pyramids, cathedrals, Parthenon, etc.); famous paintings (Last Supper, Rembrandt's Self-Portrait, etc.); to name a few of the multitude 1000s in every category of life, are all structured using the Proportion Phi.
Therefore... The Proportion Phi has many names: the Divine Proportion, the Golden Mean, the Golden Ratio, etc.
Therefore... If all this is so, then step back and observe that we humans and everything around are mathematically joined together by the Proportion Phi. Consequently, we ourselves and everything around us are interconnected through frequency (sound), which is basically music. Music encompasses all kinds of sounds and timbres, and all kinds of dissonant and consonant relationships.
No wonder Jesus said, if the people shouting "Hosanna" were silenced, the rocks would immediately cry out. No doubt, they already were (and are) emitting their own sounds. We simply are incapable of hearing them in our fallen state. Just think what we could hear if we had God's perfect, all-encompassing hearing.
No wonder God says that every word will be brought into evaluation on Judgment Day, that there is power of life and death in the tongue, and that He upholds all His creation with the sound of His voice.
No wonder, according to the discovery of Suzanne Haik-Vantoura in "Music of the Bible Revealed," that the Hebrew text of the Bible is one huge musical composition comprised of many different styles that was composed to be sung, not spoken. That's got to make the OT in the Bible the world's largest music manuscript and composition.
No wonder Suzanne Haik-Vantoura said in her book that she believed music is biologically inherent on the DNA level inside every human being.
No wonder God inhabits the praises of His people, because whether spoken or sung, praises are audibly inherent with God Himself.
No wonder the praisers were at the head of the army marching around Jericho. The soldiers came after the praisers.
No wonder the center-most book of the Bible is a large collection of Psalms. Ever wonder what the music to the Psalms sounded like? Suzanne Haik-Vantoura has God's divinely-inspired melodies written in contemporary music manuscript form.
No wonder, in Zeph. 3:17, that God says He sings and "musics" over us. I'll bet He sings a unique melody over each of us that is different from everyone else's, like every snowflake is a different design and every blade of grass is a slightly different shade of green.
Can you imagine the glorious harmony of all of Creation that God hears because His hearing is not severely limited as is ours?
In God's Image. Music is in every one of us to some degree or another, because we are all made in God's Image.
Well, in light of all this, I feel honored to have my whole life's career centered in expressing music and teaching kids to express themselves artistically with music. I also feel honored to have served the Lord with becoming His channel through which He directed how to teach music in a super successful manner. I thank the Lord for this understanding and allowing me to become one of the principal curriculum writers in an intercity music department that was state awarded, nationally awarded, and internationally recognized for its music education and artistic excellence.
All of this has been carefully documented in over 1,000 pages of easy-to-teach and easy-to-learn, well-sequenced music activities. These 1000 pages comprise 5 curriculum books. Want to see them? Go to the Knauss Music Curriculum. This is a curriculum inspired by God especially designed for those who want to learn music on a level that honors and glorifies Him. The publication "Develop Spectacular Music Students by Unlearning: And Change Culture Around You" is an account of how the Lord did this in my life and brought me to understand music education.
Praise the Lord with Music and Song! www.classroom-music.info