#atheist Are you Disappointed with God b/c IF He exists He is Silent and Hidden? #DWG
Richard wrote a Christian book. When #God disappointed him, Richard became an #atheist #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Richard, like you assumed that #God should not disappoint us, be silent and hidden. #DWG #Jesus #jesustweeters
#atheist There was a time in history when #God was neither silent OR hidden! This chapter in the mini-tweet series will examine that time #DWG
#atheist Genesis ends with a tiny family who knew #God going to Egypt to escape famine. Their few names are recorded in the Bible. #DWG
#atheist then next Bible book, Exodus opens with the people of #God – large in number now in slavery in Egypt. They’d been there for 400 years! #DWG #jesustweeters #Jesus
#atheist There are no sermons preached on the 400 years #God’s people were in Egypt! When God is silent, could it be that silence causes disappointment?
#atheist Certainly God’s people were disappointed when #God was silent for twice the number of years that the US has been a nation. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Things changed for God’s people when Moses came on the scene. God was no longer silent or hidden! This chapter will examine what happened.
#atheist When Moses came, God said, “You have suffered long enough. Now you will see what I can do!” God showed his power. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist In the days of Moses God’s power was seen on a scale so massive that no one in Egypt missed it. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Moses requested of Pharaoh to let the people of #God leave. Pharaoh would not comply. God gave Egypt a reason to listen to Him. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Pharaoh and the people of Egypt saw billions of frogs, gnats, flies, hailstones and locusts. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Pharaoh had a hard heart just like many of you. He refused to listen to #God. So, God kept escalating His voice #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist This message is a gentle call to listen to word about #God. If you don’t – death WILL occur, just as it occurred in Egypt. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist When Pharaoh would not listen & let God’s people go, he sent the angel of death. Every first born Egyptian died. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist I believe that if Pharaoh had refused to listen again, every Egyptian would have died. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Be warned, you will not escape God’s voice; you will die and then you will KNOW God. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
So, #atheist Pharaoh let the people of #God leave. For 40 years they He led them with a pillar of cloud and fire #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist the response of the people of #God to seeing Him offers important insight into the inherent limits of power on the heart of man #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Power can do many things: concentration camps used power to make people renounce #God, kill and bury friends & family
#atheist Power can do many things, but it cannot control love. You cannot force people to love you. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist The fact that love does not operate to the rules of power can help explain why God sometimes seems shy to use His power #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist God showed his power by leading His people in the days of Moses and immediately His people began to rebel, big rebellions #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Seeing God, being led by #God did not bring about love and faithfulness in His people #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Those impressive displays of #God’s power that YOU ask for will NOT bring you to love #God #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist KNOWING #God exists without loving or serving Him does not benefit YOU, God or anyone else #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Just as love complicates every life, existence for #God is complicated for God because He desires our love & His power doesn’t foster love #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist When God’s love is spurned, the Lord of the Universe FEELS in some way helpless, like a parent who loses his child just as love complicates every life #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Scripture records His love for His People: On the day you were born, no one cut your cord or washed you to make you clean contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued You were thrown into an open field. You were despised. I passed by and saw you kicking in your blood. contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued I said to you, “LIVE!” I made you grow. You were a beautiful jewel with long hair, naked breast contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued I saw you were old enough for love. I covered your nakedness with my garment and made a covenant with you contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued I washed you, anointed you, clothed you with a beautiful dress, shoes and jewelry and put a crown on your head #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist When God led his people out of Egypt He gave them a bittersweet song about favored times then betrayal, then curses and afflictions #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist #God’s presence pervaded every aspect of His people’s lives: sex, diet, clothing. Being his chosen people was hard. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist the closer #God was to people paradoxically, the more distant they felt from Him. Listen to their words: contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued: “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see his great fire anymore or we will die!” contd #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist continued: “Who of us can dwell with a consuming fire?” #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist Is it possible that we should be GRATEFUL for #God’s hiddenness? Is it possible that seeing God face to face would not be to YOUR liking? #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
Part 1 - https://kingdominsight.ning.com/forum/topics/pt-1-disappointment-with-god
#atheist Find the book, “Disappointment with God”, cheap at Half.com http://j.mp/j0EVNb #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
If you were telling of Richard Dawkins in line two you would be wrong.He never wrote a Christian book he's been an atheist sense his mid-teens.
I have read some of Philip Yancey work and listened to him a few times. I do like that he has a big problem with U.S. evangelicalism having become associated with the Religious Right, including American power, aggression and intolerance.
In January he spoke at a conference of the Gay Christian Network in Denver. He said he has "taken an incredible amount of heat" for doing it. What a shame...
Bloggers are also calling the influential magazine that has long run his columns, Christianity Today, to cut all ties with him.
Philip Yancey fully supports evolution so I like him...
How did you like my mini-series? I have other chapters to add when I have time.
James said:
I am in no way disappointed with any God's but I am a little upset at the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause.
Don't get me started with them darn sneaky leprechauns.