Disappointment with God
Mini-Series on the book “Disappointment with God” Find the book cheap at Half.com http://j.mp/j0EVNb #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
Richard was a Christian & wrote a Christian book. When #God disappointed him, Richard became an #atheist #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
Richard and other #atheist people think that #God is unfair because he hides himself and then asks us to believe. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist say: if #God wants us to believe in Him and then hides himself, it is unfair and unreasonable. Therefore, God does not exist. #DWG
#atheist say: if only #God would show himself, people would not have to go to hell for unbelief #DWG
Many #atheist say this is unfair of God so they don’t want to believe #DWG
#atheist say: look-people who trust in #God struggle & people who don’t believe in God flourish God either doesn’t exist or is unfair #DWG
#atheist say: if #God did exist, he is unfair, silent, hidden, cold and irresponsible to leave humans in this mess. #dwg
#atheist ppl are disappointed with the whole idea of #God #DWG
What does scripture say about #God -why can’t we see him? #atheist #DWG
Why don't we AT LEAST have the actual 10 Commandments he wrote? #atheist #DWG
Every decision about how creation would be was also a decision on how creation would not be. Fish having scales meant no fur. #atheist #DWG
By making decisions about creation, #God limited the world to what is and not to the thousands of other possibilities. #atheist #DWG
By making decisions about creation and what HE wanted to accomplish, #God limited his power. #atheist #DWG
God made Adam & Eve in His own image. They were not like characters in a play but ppl who could rewrite the play. #atheist #DWG
How happy was #God when he made man? “The morning stars sang together and the angels shouted for joy!” #atheist #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#God created a living being who loved him because of choice, not because of being pre-programmed like a wind-up toy. #atheist #DWG
Scripture says the #God created the heavens, earth and every living thing and that He rejoiced in the world and mankind. #atheist #DWG
#God was like a father who loved his newborn bald, helpless, wrinkled, toothless son and was proud of his creation #atheist #DWG
Adam & Eve rebelled against God. Scripture says God felt: sadness, anger alarm. When R child leaves in rebellion-the same #atheist #DWG
In His omnipotence #God created man with free will and surrendered Himself to the pain that occurred through man’s rebellion. #atheist #DWG
#atheist assume we’ll BELIEVE what God says IF we see him. #dwg
#atheist No, not so! Adam & Eve saw #God face to face & chose to NOT believe-“you’ll die if you EAT of the tree” #DWG
#atheist, what is the ‘plot’ of Genesis? “God learns how it feels to be a parent.”
#atheist When Adam sinned, God met with him & told him about consequences #DWG
#atheist #God was engaged in the affairs of men after Adam. And, humans created hell on earth & rejected Him, doing continual evil #DWG
#atheist the people #God made put a knife in His stomach and twisted it. God destroyed them all. All except Noah. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist B/c Noah was faithful to God, #God promised to not again destroy all mankind and living things with water. #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus
#atheist God hates evil-but-b/c He loved Noah-he limited himself-choosing 2 wait like the Prodigal Son’s dad for mankind to come to Him #DWG
#atheist If you can see, #God is not cold and uncaring–but limits his omnipotence time and again because of his love for mankind #DWG
#atheist Can you see – people saw God do many things and they still rebelled. Seeing #God and BELIEVING what God says is not the same. #DWG
#atheist Can you see? When God is hidden & unseen it does not ‘consign’ us to a life of unbelief – indeed those who saw God fell into rebellion #DWG
#atheist When #God intervened in the lives of men and punished their rebellion, no one said, “He is hidden or silent.” #DWG
#atheist After Noah, #God took a new approach & asked people to believe when they had NO reason to believe. He promised a son to Abraham #DWG
#atheist Abraham & Sarah were too old 4 children when Isaac-was born. They lived by faith in the promise of a son & received it #DWG
#atheist after Abraham #God continued to ask people to believe in him by faith. Many times he no longer spoke to ppl face to face but in other ways, including dreams #DWG
#atheist Joseph was a slave because his brothers were jealous and sold him into slavery.Have you had any experiences that are that bad? #DWG
#atheist, Joseph was a righteous slave. The woman who owned him made sexual advances & he resisted. She saw to it that he went to jail #DWG
#atheist When Joseph was in jail because he resisted sexual advances, do you think he felt that #God was unfair? Silent? Hidden? #DWG
#atheist Joseph believed #God. In the end, God used Joseph to save Egypt from famine. #DWG
#atheist If you think of #God as a parent- you understand that parents ‘pull back’ to allow their children to grow up! #God is our father. #DWG
#atheist Joseph-through his trials- learned NOT that #God would prevent trials, but that he would redeem THROUGH trials. #DWG
#atheist Joseph-through choking back tears, explained to his traitor brothers “What you meant for evil, God intended for good.” #DWG
#atheist The central idea of the Old Testament is the loneliness of #God. –Chesterton #DWG #jesustweeters #God #Jesus #DWG
PART TWO: https://kingdominsight.ning.com/forum/topics/part-2-disappointment-with
See the complete Mini-Series, "Disappointment with God" #DWG http://j.mp/jTSQXt #God #Jesus #jesustweeters #DWG
Here is part 2