Political Activism

Ever since the 2008 election, I have been really into politics. It was the first time I voted as well. I've always been interested in politics, but after the election of Barrack Hussein Obama, I realized just how much our government affects every aspect of our lives. I've been thinking of becoming involved in politics to help affect change in our government. Specifically, I want to be a political activist - someone who helps push ideas and change the way our government is run. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can go about doing this?

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  • You have to be able to see both sides of idea. It allows for you to make a much better push for your ideas.
    Also it helps to pick something that you have a passion and knowledge of.
    Start a local level and work your way up.
  • Thanks for the tips, Rob! Thanks Juanita!
  • I am proud of you, Valia, for wanting to make a difference! Me, too!
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