Recruiting Musicians...

Our church has a Praise team that is blessed to have several excellent vocalists, and a Great Pianist and Drummer but we have been trying to increase the group by asking for more instramentalists to join. I know of several people in the congregation that plays an instrument but no one is coming forward. We have approached them both from the platform in a "General Invitation" and personally approaching them to invite them and nothing is working... any suggestions?

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  • pray for God to send willing workers...don't strive and press, let God do it.
  • I would like to thank you all for your ideas and prayers. We did have an evening with the group and we had a recording session where we recorded 20 songs that we could distribute to musicians that were "on the fence" so they could practice them before coming back to us with an answer. We already picked up another guitarist and another tenor stepped up also.

    What did we do? Prayer and more open and honest communication on the need that we had... we stopped watering it down and made the need more urgent. Keep praying for a bass guitarist to come along... then we would realy be set. Thanks again for your ideas!
  • I whole-heartedly agree with Dave. Perhaps a matter of God's timing. Wait, watch, pray.
    I like the idea of a jam session, too...especially somewhere other than the church building. Maybe could start out with some simple or well-known praise choruses or chord progressions.

    Dave Knauss said:
    Yes, I agree with praying. I am a church musician (pianist), and if one isn't "called" to be up front on the team, then it could possibly be a hinderance to the flow of the Holy Spirit in worship.
    Blessings, Dave
  • Yes, I agree with praying. I am a church musician (pianist), and if one isn't "called" to be up front on the team, then it could possibly be a hinderance to the flow of the Holy Spirit in worship.
    Blessings, Dave
  • Great input!

    I'm going to tweet this on twitter.

    Do you need help recruiting musicians? Good thoughts here:
  • Pray that they get over the fear of performing up front? Our congregation has a good worship team. However we also have folks in the pew who are reluctant to step forward because their style doesn't meet a perceived Christian standard, or they don't think they are capable enough, or they are simply afraid.
  • Get the Pastor behind you and have him announce that you are going to have auditions and be specific on what instruments you are primarily looking for. Give what you think are minimum qualifications (2yrs playing or something of that nature). Announce the auditions in the Church bulletin and continue to ask the members that you know are instrumentalists. Some of the better musicians are kind of shy. Then pray.
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