God said "Love your neighbor as yourself". Through dysfunction in families many born again Christians are still carrying wounds from their childhood and other failed relationships. Many people have not received the love of the Father to heal their wounds. That they are children loved by Him regardless of works or perfection. He loves us if we never did another thing for Him. He loved us when we didn't love Him. When we can recieve the Father's Love it frees us to see ourselves as He sees us. WE can then love ourselves as we are at this moment. We can then love others bringing them to the Creator of their souls so that they can recieve the Father's love and mulitply. So seek the Father and how much He loves you today just as you are. Jesus died for your emotional, spiritual, and pysical healing. Become whole in Christ today so that you can love one another as "Christ loves the Church and gave His life for it"
God Bless,
Theresa Graham
Jacksonville, Florida
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A note of caution and a challenge to look afresh at the scripture.
God is love - thats whats written. What I would suggest and put forth at the close of this age is that we take a fresh look at how God defines love.
In many quarters of the church it seems they have made this marvelous truth to be more like 'LOVE IS GOD'
Please think about this LOVE IS GOD....therefore, WE SAY TODAY THAT ANYTHING THA IS LOVE IS ACCEPTABLE. WE SAY ANYTHING WE DO IS O.K. BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE - BUT WHAT WE REALLY MEAN IS LOVE IS GOD...<<,sorry about caps - i don't kow how to type>>>
w have made LOVE as our god.... wll God is Holy...and God is Judge and God is righteous.....
we are not in the Love of God if we do not keep His commandments
we are not in the love of God if we never receive correction, reproof and chasteing from our heavenly father... for it is written He chastens those He loves...
th key to haling is repentance and confession of that which is in th way between the father and us....Jesus died to erase that which we confess.....IF WE sin we have an advocate with the Father... IF we confess our sin he is Just (love) to forgive (consequencs let go) and cleanse 9effects washed away)
many are sik becuase they do not discern / understand the work of the cross...the blood - the body....givn to forgive and heal you....
many are sick because they refuse to repent....they refuse to obey His commands...they are self centered....and so bust looking at self instead of looking to Jesus and his work for them.....they hold unto pride...pet sins...arrogance....they refuse humilty that moves the compassionate One to 'help' and 'heal'
first is WORSHIP of God....seeking his kingdom...his righteousness...he then ADDS all these things to you...
God is Love........but love is NOT god to a true believer
sinners agree with LOVE is god...
humanists believe love is god....so does the new age....this is a decpetion in the church...
th worlds decpetion is fund i the offering of effortless, repntantless peace....it will NEVER happen - the anitchrist will offer...peace, peace...saftety --- but is lying and a hypocrite and will brake the covenats, the treatys, the contratcs - his word he will break...
how can we stay safe from decpetion...study and kow the word..examig all things in light f the word, know the Holy Spirit and examine all things in light with the holy Spirit. the Holy Spirt and the Word thy agree - they are ONE.... and so make your seflf ONE WITH HIM / THEM....
may the lord give yu uderstanding in all things......too much to say in a short format...Listen to th holy Spirit -and folow to examie that ad see that it does measure up with the word...
Do not be thiose who follow the antichrist....do not follow to be the false church (looks like a lamb)....stay loyal to Jesus....allow th Lord to correct you
we are so close - gather yourselves and lets finish this race - we can see the FINISH line ahead...
I think too often our understanding of God's love is based on our feelings. If we feel He loves us, we understand His love. If we don't feel loved, we question His love. I think faith in God also implies a commitment. If I have faith in God and commit myself to his love, I can choose to believe God loves me even when I don't feel it. By making that choice, I actually start down the road that also allows me to feel his love.
I think that those of us who are leaders need to help people understand that in some sense, love is a choice that they can make.... to chose to believe God loves us and what he says is true: nothing can separate us from His love.
Your words are so true, but it's amazing that there often seems to be little understanding of this in many
church circles. Also our own personal experiences, or particular personalities play a large part in the time it
takes us to respond. The process or even 'battle' can be very different for each of us and I found a mistake made in Christian circles is often expecting each person to respond in the same way or same timescale.
I had real difficulty for many, many years with this. The root of the problem, although I didn't know it at the time, was with emotional, spiritual and psychological wounding within my own non-Christian family unit
where there was a lot of control and manipulation. It went right back to my early childhood.
I saw a therapist for two years outside of the church and gradually learned to be more assertive. This began
to grow my confidence a little and diminish the fear I felt of being a person in my own right with my own
beliefs. But it was not until I had gone through this process that God stepped in and brought people alongside
me who were able to minister His love and grace through the power of His Holy Spirit. They also showed me
an incredible amount of love and acceptance - as I was - which enabled me to receive the healing fully.
I remember running around for years trying to find supernatural healing in various meetings, yet time and
time again He brought me back to the therapist! It wasn't until I'd completed the process and made the effort
to stand for myself that He stepped in and completed the work Himself miraculously.
The only way for the love of God to reach deep into our wounded places is to look at how God describes those he loves in Scripture: beloved, precious, in Christ, forgiven, cleansed, redeemed.... Chewing over each one of these many descriptive words and letting them bathe our minds (Romans 12:1-2: be transformed by the renewing of your mind) begins the process of healing and transformation. Merely reading that God loves us only goes to the head, chewing on it, marveling at it, weeping over it, brings deep gratitude and the heart connection we long for.
Poppy Smith www.poppysmith.com
A post-it note on my monitor says "God loves me perfectly right now". This is a quote from a pastor who's teachings are Spirit-filled and I find it to be so very true in scripture. Sometimes I struggle to wrap my mind around "perfectly" since I only know imperfection, but the "right now" comforts me. This is because it's easy to accept God was here in the beginning and will be here in the end.. but when life has it's storms and doldrums, it's comforting to know he loves me "right now" in the middle of it all.
Jack is right, we are God's happy thought:
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing - Zephaniah 3:17
With the comment above that "many Christians are still carrying the wounds from their childhoods and other failed relationships," it is SOOOOO true. I suspect there are others like myself who know this is true, but do not know how to go about having those problems solved or those feelings healed. Are their Scriptures we can study and pray to accomplish this?
I love Jack Frost, who says "we are God's happy thought"....that about sums it up :) As we look at one another as Christians, shouldn't we also be "God-like", and look at one another with the same thoughts God has toward us? Where we would look at our fellow Christians the same way God looks at us, and say "that one there..that one gives me happy thoughts".
God is love - thats whats written. What I would suggest and put forth at the close of this age is that we take a fresh look at how God defines love.
In many quarters of the church it seems they have made this marvelous truth to be more like 'LOVE IS GOD'
Please think about this LOVE IS GOD....therefore, WE SAY TODAY THAT ANYTHING THA IS LOVE IS ACCEPTABLE. WE SAY ANYTHING WE DO IS O.K. BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE - BUT WHAT WE REALLY MEAN IS LOVE IS GOD...<<,sorry about caps - i don't kow how to type>>>
w have made LOVE as our god.... wll God is Holy...and God is Judge and God is righteous.....
we are not in the Love of God if we do not keep His commandments
we are not in the love of God if we never receive correction, reproof and chasteing from our heavenly father... for it is written He chastens those He loves...
th key to haling is repentance and confession of that which is in th way between the father and us....Jesus died to erase that which we confess.....IF WE sin we have an advocate with the Father... IF we confess our sin he is Just (love) to forgive (consequencs let go) and cleanse 9effects washed away)
many are sik becuase they do not discern / understand the work of the cross...the blood - the body....givn to forgive and heal you....
many are sick because they refuse to repent....they refuse to obey His commands...they are self centered....and so bust looking at self instead of looking to Jesus and his work for them.....they hold unto pride...pet sins...arrogance....they refuse humilty that moves the compassionate One to 'help' and 'heal'
first is WORSHIP of God....seeking his kingdom...his righteousness...he then ADDS all these things to you...
God is Love........but love is NOT god to a true believer
sinners agree with LOVE is god...
humanists believe love is god....so does the new age....this is a decpetion in the church...
th worlds decpetion is fund i the offering of effortless, repntantless peace....it will NEVER happen - the anitchrist will offer...peace, peace...saftety --- but is lying and a hypocrite and will brake the covenats, the treatys, the contratcs - his word he will break...
how can we stay safe from decpetion...study and kow the word..examig all things in light f the word, know the Holy Spirit and examine all things in light with the holy Spirit. the Holy Spirt and the Word thy agree - they are ONE.... and so make your seflf ONE WITH HIM / THEM....
may the lord give yu uderstanding in all things......too much to say in a short format...Listen to th holy Spirit -and folow to examie that ad see that it does measure up with the word...
Do not be thiose who follow the antichrist....do not follow to be the false church (looks like a lamb)....stay loyal to Jesus....allow th Lord to correct you
we are so close - gather yourselves and lets finish this race - we can see the FINISH line ahead...
I think that those of us who are leaders need to help people understand that in some sense, love is a choice that they can make.... to chose to believe God loves us and what he says is true: nothing can separate us from His love.
church circles. Also our own personal experiences, or particular personalities play a large part in the time it
takes us to respond. The process or even 'battle' can be very different for each of us and I found a mistake made in Christian circles is often expecting each person to respond in the same way or same timescale.
I had real difficulty for many, many years with this. The root of the problem, although I didn't know it at the time, was with emotional, spiritual and psychological wounding within my own non-Christian family unit
where there was a lot of control and manipulation. It went right back to my early childhood.
I saw a therapist for two years outside of the church and gradually learned to be more assertive. This began
to grow my confidence a little and diminish the fear I felt of being a person in my own right with my own
beliefs. But it was not until I had gone through this process that God stepped in and brought people alongside
me who were able to minister His love and grace through the power of His Holy Spirit. They also showed me
an incredible amount of love and acceptance - as I was - which enabled me to receive the healing fully.
I remember running around for years trying to find supernatural healing in various meetings, yet time and
time again He brought me back to the therapist! It wasn't until I'd completed the process and made the effort
to stand for myself that He stepped in and completed the work Himself miraculously.
Poppy Smith
Jack is right, we are God's happy thought:
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing - Zephaniah 3:17