My wife and I just saw the movie FIREPROOF. After 35 years of marriage, I am HUMBLED and ENCOURAGED. WOW, what an indepth presentation of (1) a multitude of problems that can occur in a marriage; (2) what a realistic portrayal of ways sometimes partners deal with problems (bury in silence, frustration, anger, desperation); and (3) what a perfect revelation of the ONLY way a marriage can successfully work, i.e., it's God's love and humble communication, or it's failure. After thinking through the movie over and over, I can see how even the smallest lines reveal God's profound concepts behind them. For both saved and unsaved marriages alike, this movie couldn't have been more timely.

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  • The book featured in the move, "The Love Dare" is amazing! I highly recommend it. It consists of short daily readings and simple actions you can easily do to enhance your marriage. It is very life-giving!

    In our community, we have a group of about 30 churches that work together. The group sponsored a very nice dinner and then showed the movie. They had the movie and the book available for purchase. They plan to meet again after 40 days to share testimonies of how this book is impacting marriages. I expect that it will be an exciting meeting. This event was really geared toward Christians and strengthening Christian marriages. When Christain marriages are what God wants them to be, it will provide the "lost" with a visible picture of God's love to the church and the church's response to His love.

    This movie and book can help the "lost" to find Christ and restore their marriages. It can also help Christians to have the kind of marriage that God desires for them. I believe this will bring much glory to God.
  • Saw it at our church a week ago with my husband. It was fabulous. It's already caused some interesting positive things in my marriage. I recommend it highly.
  • Hi Ahin!
    I just have to say that I think that is super that you are bringing this movie to your community! It is so obvious that our communities need help with creating loving marriages. What a great way for your church to be a relevant, caring, powerful light of Jesus to your community. I am so blessed by what you are doing and I deeply appreciate the many churches that are springing into action and taking the message of this movie to the community. I pray that God Himself will step in and bless all these efforts! Thank you so much for all you are doing to serve Jesus!
  • Agree with Dave... Another great thing about this movie is that it is an overtly Christian movie that is widely popular - there was a whole section on the 'new release' area of local video store dedicated to "Fireproof" and it was almost sold out at WalMart...
  • My daughter, Anna, from Tampa, FL, was telling me this morning (2-6-09) she was listening to a Christian radio station ( who was interviewing some of the FIREPROOF actors and actresses. The radio station originally traveled to the set while the filming was in progress and interviewed back then. Now that the movie is out and available for purchase, they are relating numerous testimonies of marriages being saved. Praise God--that's exactly what He said He'd do with it when He inspired the screen writers to create the story. Additional movies worth seeing are the "Point of the Spear" and "Facing the Giants." The ending of "Point of the Spear" is the most breath-taking and heart-rending portrayal of Jesus' substitutionary payment for our sins that I've ever seen and felt.
  • Dave, my wife and I are looking forward to showing it to our community. We are getting a license to show it to the public.
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