The early believers turned the world upside down. 

Nehemiah heard about the state of the beloved city - the walls were broken down and the gates destroyed by fire.

Walls of truth are crumbling around us. Gates that hold back immorality are being destroyed. Ungodliness of all types is multiplying.  Social and family order are eroding.  Darkness is beginning to cover our land, our cities, our communities and our nation.  Thick darkness.  

We ought to be completely reconciled to God through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We ought to be ambassadors, reconciliation the world to Christ.  

We ought to be making skilled followers who can reproduce other skilled followers.  We ought to be making disciples at home and extending to all nations...  baptizing them and teaching them all things that Christ has commanded.  We ought to be seeing God's Kingdom advance - impacting every area of our lives, city, community and nation!   

Why aren't we turning the world upside down?  

Nehemiah heard about the state of the beloved city; he repented.  He wept and fasted for days.

We ought to be mourning the state of many in the Kingdom:  Self-satisfied.  Complacent.  Unrighteous.  We ought to mourn over the the state of our city, our community and the state of our nation.

Nehemiah presented his grief to the King asking, in utter humility, if he could work to restore the walls of the beloved city.

Shall we present our grief to the King?  Shall we offer the King ourselves and our service for the Great Work of restoring our cities and our nation. 

Nehemiah received favor and help from the King.

The King has the resources and offers His support to rebuild.

Nehemiah called the people to labor.   Each worked, according to his skill, on his section of the wall. 

This book is a call to rebuild, each person in their own sphere. 

 And so, they joined for The Great Work of rebuilding the wall.

 Will you join others and re-build?

Do you want to be part of zealous Kingdom followers who turn the world upside down?

Next chapter:  The Church is Not the Kingdom


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