I would invite that Pastor to a FREE Meal and Seminar for Pastors and Directors of Parachurch Ministries. The topic of the seminar is "Using Emerging Technoligies to Advance Ministry." If there is none in their area, I would reccomend that the Pastor participate in a FREE Web-based seminar with the same topic. I believe this would give the Pastor a very good overview on many types of technology and how they are being used in churches. I believe God would use this information to guide the Pastor in what steps He would have the Pastor take. For information about the Seminars, please see the event calendar or call 1-800-488-0965.
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Would you please pray for Calvary Baptist Chuch in Hubbard, Ohio? We have a desire and now a vision for a media ministry both to our parishoners (50) and our community as we have opportunity to engage them with the Gospel. Our budget is SMALL but our hearts are FILLED with the need to impact our community through media evangelism.
Hi Dave!
I am so glad that you pointed out the fact that God does provide for media ministry!
I remember what happened when Pastor Rich Laskowski attended a FREE Pastors’ Buffet and Seminar in Fort Wayne, IN. He had this to say:
“As soon as the seminar was over my board member turned to me and said, 'We need to do this.’ We were given a FREE DVD as a media ministry tool and we showed a section to the whole board. As a result, the vast majority of the board wanted to move ahead with upgrading the media ministry at our church. For the next several weeks, we showed mini clips from the FREE DVD to the congregation. (Each mini clip is a 3-6 minute testimony of a real person that God changed through media ministry). Then I asked the people if they would like to see those kind of testimonies happen here. I encouraged them to come see me and let me know what they would be willing to do to make it possible."
Pastor was surprised and delighted to report that within 3 weeks, his church of 75 people donated $2,400 and they were able to move forward with a relevant media ministry. Now this church can reach many more with the Good News of Jesus Christ! Truly, God does provide!
This true story displays what we so often see. When churches feel that they cannot afford a media ministry, the problem is usually not a lack of finances, but rather a lack of vision. Once the congregation has the vision, God provides the finances. We at Kingdom have tools to help pastors impart the vision to the church board and the congregation. To God be the glory!
I have seen God work in so many wonderful ways in all kinds of unique situations regarding Media Ministry. So what would I say to a pastor? JUST DO IT!!! What are you waiting for? Get yourself an inexpensive digital recorder, a disc duplicator, professionally printed discs, and matching inserts and cases, and JUST WATCH what the Lord does with sending His Word wherever He pleases when presented in such a professional manner. Want to know more? Email me at "david.knauss@kingdom.com" for how-to-step-by-step instructions. Remember to place the duplicator at the exit door(s) of your church or sanctuary and freely hand out discs as people leave. GOD will direct where they go, who listens, and will supply the MONEY, AND His Holy Spirit will bring listeners to salvation. He always has! JUST DO IT!!!
PS: Did you know that King James withdrew all authorization and financial support of the King James Version when he found out the translators had not slanted it to support the Church of England? Did you know God intervened and supplied all the funds to complete the job and have it printed anyway? Many pastors worry too much about money--God will supply--He always has!!!
The church where I worship started approximately 10 years ago. 10 years ago, we received donated audio speakers, amplifiers, and mixer boards from some local radio stations. The total budget for the ENTIRE sound system was $500. Since then we have realized our system is aging and recently began an upgrade path. One of our first purchases was a DriveRack (for $500). Yes, we just spent our entire original budget on one piece of equipment! But it was well worth it.
We used to ask people to fill out a small tear-off form in our bulletins and hand it in if they wanted a copy of that week's message. Now we have a small kiosk in our fellowship hall (where most everyone goes after the service for coffee, a snack, and to talk) where we put the recording of the service immediate afterward. We used to give out maybe one sermon a month, now we give out 2-3 CDs a week (still under where we should be), and we anticipate being well above that after we make a formal announcement in our bulletins in the coming week.
Why do I mention all of this? Simply to encourage a church that no matter the size of their budget, or if they are using donations, an audio ministry is extremely important to fulfillment of the taking of Scripture out into all the world. And to remind pastors that the less complicated you make taking the sermon recording, the more you will distribute.
We had a sound system, and could make tapes and CDs, but people don't want to have to ask for them, the just want to be able to take them. Now we are venturing into using On-Disc printing to make our CDs look more professional.
We've also been putting our sermons on our website within several hours of the service finishing, and have a small group of people who weekly go there to listen.
What great ways we have to spread God's word through technology!
I would first recommend that they evaluate their budget. How much do they have to spend on equipment for their ministry? Then, I would test the waters by buying a digital audio recorder , such as the Zoom H2. These recorders are easy to use and compact, so you can take them anywhere.
To get an instant worldwide audience, I would recommend signing up for a MessageShare account, because with the Zoom H2 you can transfer your audio files directly to the computer, and then upload them to MessageShare. Once you have MessageShare, anyone with an Internet connection will be able to hear your messages!
I'd really like to hear what the audio/video techies would recommend?
Thanks for all who will intercede for us.
I am so glad that you pointed out the fact that God does provide for media ministry!
I remember what happened when Pastor Rich Laskowski attended a FREE Pastors’ Buffet and Seminar in Fort Wayne, IN. He had this to say:
“As soon as the seminar was over my board member turned to me and said, 'We need to do this.’ We were given a FREE DVD as a media ministry tool and we showed a section to the whole board. As a result, the vast majority of the board wanted to move ahead with upgrading the media ministry at our church. For the next several weeks, we showed mini clips from the FREE DVD to the congregation. (Each mini clip is a 3-6 minute testimony of a real person that God changed through media ministry). Then I asked the people if they would like to see those kind of testimonies happen here. I encouraged them to come see me and let me know what they would be willing to do to make it possible."
Pastor was surprised and delighted to report that within 3 weeks, his church of 75 people donated $2,400 and they were able to move forward with a relevant media ministry. Now this church can reach many more with the Good News of Jesus Christ! Truly, God does provide!
This true story displays what we so often see. When churches feel that they cannot afford a media ministry, the problem is usually not a lack of finances, but rather a lack of vision. Once the congregation has the vision, God provides the finances. We at Kingdom have tools to help pastors impart the vision to the church board and the congregation. To God be the glory!
PS: Did you know that King James withdrew all authorization and financial support of the King James Version when he found out the translators had not slanted it to support the Church of England? Did you know God intervened and supplied all the funds to complete the job and have it printed anyway? Many pastors worry too much about money--God will supply--He always has!!!
We used to ask people to fill out a small tear-off form in our bulletins and hand it in if they wanted a copy of that week's message. Now we have a small kiosk in our fellowship hall (where most everyone goes after the service for coffee, a snack, and to talk) where we put the recording of the service immediate afterward. We used to give out maybe one sermon a month, now we give out 2-3 CDs a week (still under where we should be), and we anticipate being well above that after we make a formal announcement in our bulletins in the coming week.
Why do I mention all of this? Simply to encourage a church that no matter the size of their budget, or if they are using donations, an audio ministry is extremely important to fulfillment of the taking of Scripture out into all the world. And to remind pastors that the less complicated you make taking the sermon recording, the more you will distribute.
We had a sound system, and could make tapes and CDs, but people don't want to have to ask for them, the just want to be able to take them. Now we are venturing into using On-Disc printing to make our CDs look more professional.
We've also been putting our sermons on our website within several hours of the service finishing, and have a small group of people who weekly go there to listen.
What great ways we have to spread God's word through technology!
To get an instant worldwide audience, I would recommend signing up for a MessageShare account, because with the Zoom H2 you can transfer your audio files directly to the computer, and then upload them to MessageShare. Once you have MessageShare, anyone with an Internet connection will be able to hear your messages!
I'd really like to hear what the audio/video techies would recommend?