As Christians, we are truly blessed. We have a Lord who guides us with a loving hand. But I tell ya, these are truly the times that try men's souls. We are facing an unprecedented assault on our personal liberty, and wealth. We are watching a group who truly wants to destroy our nation, as it stands, and they particularly want to destroy our faith in God. In fact, they want to exclude God at ever corner. So what do we do? Well, obviously, we pray. We pray for strength and guidance from our Lord. But we must also fight. The time for passively turning the other cheek has passed. We must be engaged. We must challenge these people at every turn. We must also renew our faith in God. We must build a stronger relationship with Him. It is He that will see us through this ordeal. Personal faith is the strongest weapon we have in this battle between good and evil. I encourage everyone to forge a stronger relationship with God. I truly believe the Lord has blessed America like no other nation on earth. Even though we have a group who wants to destroy that covenant with the Almighty, our strong faith will win out in the end. Rejoice in the Lord, and don't allow evil to win.

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    Cindy K: Hello: Good reply to Gary's discussion, thanks. (Dog and Boy pictured below)
    I'm betwixt, between with a reply to both - Cindy and Gary.

    Love your picture of the dog and his little friend. Reminds me of days gone by at my house. Our children always prayed before going to sleep, NOT lay me down to sleep, but we really talked to God. We told bed time stories, and talked over the day. I stayed with them until they went to sleep, dog and all.
    God inhabits the praises of his people. Keeping God in Focus keeps us from barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. That is in my card game TraveLight. For example: One of the cards is a cat holding binoculars looking at a bird in the tree. The name of that card is Focus which is the light baggage card. The excess baggage card is named Clueless, which is a dog barking up the wrong tree. Two trees are pictured in the card, cat is up in one tree and the dog is barking up the other tree with no cat in it. In the game the light baggage trumps the excess baggage. You have to travel 1000 Light Years to win. In order to play your score cards, you have to first rid your hand of personal and excess baggage. BTW Juanita played TraveLight with me the other weekend and won. I didn't let her win either. LOL
    It is a fun-futuristic card game that adds, value, purpose and direction to your life. In order to TraveLight you have to have your mind-set right. That is just what is mentioned in the discussion in how we example strong faith and how we fight the good fight of faith. It is great to show that to your children and others. God Bless in the name of Jesus Christ. God's prosperity is priceless.
    "Let us say continually God delights in the prosperity of his people." Ps:35:27

    TraveLight a portion of the proceeds to to humane treatment of animals, plus KingdomInsight.

    contact me for more details, more upcoming TraveLight Tips on life, animals, family, gardening, & putting God first to have good Success.
  • I see BO as only a temporary leader. Read Daniel 11 verse 20 and I think that is BO. Between verse 20 and 21 is where I think Sarah fits in. Nothing is said that would remind you of Sarah. i think Sarah will soon be President and while she is everyone will think 'OH good we have it made now.' But it says that Christ will come as a thief in the nite and this is when hopefully Sarah and whoever is the VP will be taken up on the 'Cloud' and then verse 21 is Nancy Pelosie who would take over and from then on it will be bad and I just hope that we don't experience all that stuff. Then in 3 1/2 years Christ will come back and rule the whole world in rightness and I would hope that Sarah could be helpful in this. I don't intend to know all the details but I am just so happy to see a rightous person wanting to be helpful in guiding our nation.
  • **1Sherrie said:
    Hi Gary,

    As usual you are an inspiration and once again commend you on an awesome post. Your posts at Team Sarah are always interesting and enlightening and I look forward to reading what you have to say. It appears, I will get be more exposed to your words of wisdom both here and at TS, which to me are very valuable.

    In speaking of TS, I would encourage all Kingdom Insight members to explore the Team Sarah site and joining TS. I am sure that working together here on Kingdom Insight and with TS would be beneficial to us all.
    Here is link to Team Sarah:


    Thank you. I truly appreciate that.

    Faith is often hard for me to put in words. But I know it when I see it. If you simply ask, God is always there to guide you. Sometimes we think we know better, but we never do!

    The times we are in, these terribly troubling times we must make sure that our relationship with God is strong. God is on our side, and has always been on America's side. I feel as a nation, many times we have neglected that strong relationship. We've allowed the liberals and their Godless agenda take over the city square, as well as the national debate. It's truly time for us to take things back.

    We all try to live by God's words and direction, because they work! None of us are perfect, and even the best among us are huge sinners. But if we just give up on God, and fall into the world the liberals want to give us, we are doomed to failure.
  • Hi Gary,

    As usual you are an inspiration and once again commend you on an awesome post. Your posts at Team Sarah are always interesting and enlightening and I look forward to reading what you have to say. It appears, I will get be more exposed to your words of wisdom both here and at TS, which to me are very valuable.

    In speaking of TS, I would encourage all Kingdom Insight members to explore the Team Sarah site and joining TS. I am sure that working together here on Kingdom Insight and with TS would be beneficial to us all.
    Here is link to Team Sarah:


  • Cindy Kadinger said:
    God gives each one of us a gift to use when we have received his gift of salvation. Some are called to do works of service, others have the gift of intercessory prayer and even the gift pf prophecy. You will know the gift when you do the Lord's work, he will guide you. It may not be the gift you covet, but it is the gift in which your faith is mightly used.

    At this time in our country, God is calling on us to pray for our land and be willing to fight spiritual warfare against the evils that have "seemed" to prevail. Socialism is an evil by which rips from men their obilgation to work for their livelihoods and support their families. It takes the creed of "all men created equal" and bastardizes the meaning that all men must have the "same". In God's eyes, all men are created equal, but each is given a different portion depending on God's will for our lives. This concept is hard for the non-believer, but as a Christian I strive to find "my" niche in the Lord, for I know this is the place I will find peace, love and mercy.

    As our leaders struggle to put together an economic stimulus package, we need to ask God to please give Pres. Obama the vision of the a nation guided by socialism and a nation guided by free market. Let him see the inherant evils of man receiving goods or services for no labor, and how that cheapens those same goods and services. One type of wealth we all are able to receive and that is the wealth of salvation and God's grace upon our lives. The price is free, but the cost was great.

    Very well said!
  • God gives each one of us a gift to use when we have received his gift of salvation. Some are called to do works of service, others have the gift of intercessory prayer and even the gift pf prophecy. You will know the gift when you do the Lord's work, he will guide you. It may not be the gift you covet, but it is the gift in which your faith is mightly used.

    At this time in our country, God is calling on us to pray for our land and be willing to fight spiritual warfare against the evils that have "seemed" to prevail. Socialism is an evil by which rips from men their obilgation to work for their livelihoods and support their families. It takes the creed of "all men created equal" and bastardizes the meaning that all men must have the "same". In God's eyes, all men are created equal, but each is given a different portion depending on God's will for our lives. This concept is hard for the non-believer, but as a Christian I strive to find "my" niche in the Lord, for I know this is the place I will find peace, love and mercy.

    As our leaders struggle to put together an economic stimulus package, we need to ask God to please give Pres. Obama the vision of the a nation guided by socialism and a nation guided by free market. Let him see the inherant evils of man receiving goods or services for no labor, and how that cheapens those same goods and services. One type of wealth we all are able to receive and that is the wealth of salvation and God's grace upon our lives. The price is free, but the cost was great.
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