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  • Can you share with everyone a little about your ministry and where you see it going? God's using you & people would love to hear - http://tiny.cc/MyMinistry
  • Debrah! Wow! What a wonderful blessing you left for me! Thank you -- many times, thank you!
  • Debrah,
    Katie has a great question. How did your ministry start? Maybe you can share here....
  • Great!
    I will put you in the drawing by sending a message to Happy. Next time, if you can send a message to Happy, his Inbox if where the names are who go into the drawing. ;-)
    You said:
    At 1:11pm on March 10, 2009, debrah said… Hi Happy Pappy-I twittered this message today-
    SECONDCHRONICLE Today this is what God is saying to my heart-Join the discussion- http://tinyurl.com/cp2ulo11 minutes ago from web Delete Comment
  • THANK YOU!!! for putting the petition on line to prevent ProLife Doctors from having to do abortions!
  • Deborah,
    Perhaps this new community will give you an opportunity? I believe that a ProLife group will form and work together on strategy. After our launch, we should have many church workers and leaders. Regarding Abortion, most people don't know what to do. I am expecting that on this site that both Insight is shared and Action is planned and taken. Perhaps you have a part to play?
  • Hey, I just checked out the 40 Days of Life site. Are you very involved with this? I'd love for you to start a thread on it! I'd love to see it have more visibility. We need positive action on abortion ~ I think 40 Days of Life is a great idea!
  • Deborah! I really like your avatar! :-)
  • Deborah...
    I see you have a real interest in prayer. I'd like to create some prayer focuses on the site. Would you be interested in being a part?
  • Debrah!
    Thanks for joining! I am looking forward to seeing the Insight that you share with everyone! Lets work to build the Kingdom!
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