What does it mean to impact an entire region for Christ?
God has called us to overcome the world. He has called us to reach all nations starting at home. Is that what our mission is? If not, our mission is too narrow and too small!
If we are to succeed in the mission, it means developing an army of skilled and trained people who can pass on what they learn to others!
See previous sections:
Part 1: OverviewPart 2: Preparing the GroundPart 3: The Great CommandmentPart 4: New WorksPart 5: The Impact
The updates in this disucssuon are to let you know what is happening NOW with KingdomCommunities in our region.
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This is what the great commission is all about. If you go to the commons mall in Ithaca and take a break, go to the twelve tribes restaurant for the best waffle w/real vermont maple syrup and they have very healthy energy drinks if you plan to preach for a few hours. They restored the historic former dairy store into a corner landmark.
Bro Cope said:
For those interested in trying a little time in the trenches, on the front line of advancing the Kingdom, this week in Mansfield, I intend to preach at the Univeristy on Monday, and perhaps later in the week. In addition, I am tentatively planning on hitting Cornell, Binghamton State, and Ithaca Commons on other days of the week.
It would be an event you will never forget. Your faith will be challenged and you will feel it grow as you take a stand for your faith. It could possibly be the best thing you could do for an afternoon.
For those interested in trying a little time in the trenches, on the front line of advancing the Kingdom, this week in Mansfield, I intend to preach at the Univeristy on Monday, and perhaps later in the week. In addition, I am tentatively planning on hitting Cornell, Binghamton State, and Ithaca Commons on other days of the week.
It would be an event you will never forget. Your faith will be challenged and you will feel it grow as you take a stand for your faith. It could possibly be the best thing you could do for an afternoon.
Bro Cope
Absolutely a great idea to accompany Bro! My sister went last week and said it was one of the high points of her spiritual life!
For those interested in trying a little time in the trenches, on the front line of advancing the Kingdom, this week in Mansfield, I intend to preach at the Univeristy on Monday, and perhaps later in the week. In addition, I am tentatively planning on hitting Cornell, Binghamton State, and Ithaca Commons on other days of the week.
It would be an event you will never forget. Your faith will be challenged and you will feel it grow as you take a stand for your faith. It could possibly be the best thing you could do for an afternoon.
1. We are having our second regional meeting with Pastors and Church leaders this coming Monday.
2. We are building a core team by having Open House meetings at my husband and my house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This core team is working to first reach our local community/Blossburg.
-To share Christ with those who haven't met Him and help them to find their way to local churches.
-To stir other believers to rebuild the wall.
3. Training for the 5 key functions, or gateway skills (planting, hearing God, evangelism, providing care and teaching) is being developed with an emphasis on the evangelism first.
Check the links above to see the background of our initiative. We expect to see incredible things!
Bro Cope said:
Absolutely a great idea to accompany Bro! My sister went last week and said it was one of the high points of her spiritual life!
It would be an event you will never forget. Your faith will be challenged and you will feel it grow as you take a stand for your faith. It could possibly be the best thing you could do for an afternoon.
Bro Cope
1. We are having our second regional meeting with Pastors and Church leaders this coming Monday.
2. We are building a core team by having Open House meetings at my husband and my house on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This core team is working to first reach our local community/Blossburg.
-To share Christ with those who haven't met Him and help them to find their way to local churches.
-To stir other believers to rebuild the wall.
3. Training for the 5 key functions, or gateway skills (planting, hearing God, evangelism, providing care and teaching) is being developed with an emphasis on the evangelism first.
Check the links above to see the background of our initiative. We expect to see incredible things!