A pastor was recently asked how many visitors his church has on an average Sunday morning. The pastor said, “Approximately 4 per Sunday.” The interviewer then commented, “That makes about 200 visitors over a year.” After a thoughtful moment, the inte
At a recent pastor’s seminar, the speaker asked pastors how many had websites for their ministries, and nearly everyone raised their hands. Imagine the speaker’s shock when he asked a follow-up question of how many used their websites in any teaching
Johnny and i were discussing this topic with some Christian leaders who do marriage seminars. You know, one of the tendency is to go to a seminar, get all 'fired up', and then forget 80% of what you decided to do.
We actually came up with some strat
I am an evangelist. If we aren't reaching people for Christ, why are we here. I find that even ?though I am hard wired to be an evangelist, I still have to be deliberate about witnessing.
I was just visiting the Nashville area with Juanita. We found