What if I were to tell you that Barack Obama’s re-election was a blessing from God? What if I were to tell you that God is showing us that He still loves us, He still desires for us to turn back to Him and receive His blessings, and that the re-el
God’s Word predicts people will turn their back on God saying a stone has brought them forth (Jer 2:27)! Evolutionists teach that once-upon-a-time a big Bang produced a big rock, then it rained on the rock (stone) for long ages to produce hot soupy p
There are some in the “Conservative Coalition” who are calling on Christians to put aside their God, and even to put aside ‘social issues’ so we as a ‘Conservative Coalition’ can focus on the real issues, which, of course, are the economy and smaller
Did you know? All of Creation came into existence with the utterance of sound. "And God said, 'Let there be...'" (Side note: Some contend that Genesis should be translated, "And God sang..." I lean toward this as well. Read on, you'll see why.)
Wanted to share this with the KI members- maybe a revisit of the Core Unit Slide Presentation Juanita did a few months ago- it is generating an interesting thread in comments on juanitaberguson.com - so I thought I'd cut and paste what's there so fa
This is our Tioga County Newspaper- Let Us Know If We Are Keeping To Our Mission, Witnessing the Kingdom Through The News, Serving the Natural Community as Citizens First and Foremost in the Kingdom of God
I wanted so much to write tonight of a joyous time my family had in gathering for our family charter time. This is my wife, my daughter, myself, our household, seeking, I pray, to live Christ as our family identity and purpose.