Does God Heal Today?
There are a lot of different views on this subject. What's yours?
Read more…There are a lot of different views on this subject. What's yours?
Read more…Launch Date is June 4!!!! God is doing something new. But, He seems to be starting in the middle. If we look around and are honest, we would have to say there is a problem with the church and how it is functioning. Why doesn't the church work? We h
Read more…There are the things that everyone needs to be effective followers of Christ... * To help with new ministries. Some start them and we all need to support them. Why is this important? Because ministries, like our bodies can grow old and ineffective.
Read more…Here is something that often as Christians we tend to forget who we are called to be and what our purpose truly is. I came across the scripture found in Phil 2:14-16 where God is calling us to be a beacon shining bright to the world. The thought came
Read more…Why did I become a music teacher? What did I always hope for my students? Why did God allow me to enjoy such successes and lessons in the music classroom in seemingly impossible inner-city situations? For one reason and one reason alone: TO TOUCH THE
Read more…I mentioned previously that I modeled everything. Whatever I wanted the students to learn, I made sure I could do it with expertise. I practiced everything I asked them to do. I knew within each activity to be learned all its fun spots, as well as po
Read more…STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY. The section before last was about teacher accountability. This section is the other side of accountability, about placing accountability on the class as a whole and on students individually, and teaching accountability to them
Read more…"Making music, in fact, is the very best way of learning about music." --Richard Baker As a college music supervisor, one day I was observing a music student teacher at a middle school teaching a music class to eighth graders. The students sat in ne
Read more…"What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too!" This was my mom's favorite phrase every time my dad asked her where a tool went, what happened to his favorite shirt or where the extra vacation money went. If I had a dollar for every time I heard
Read more…In these days of growing uncertainty concerning our worldly comforts, God is laying an increasingly heavier burden on many peoples hearts to get out there and tell the entire world "The end is coming soon!!!" Often times it makes no sense to us. We k
Read more…This was sent to be today...From the Desk of: Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel Prince, I have just been informed that tomorrow (Thursday) the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin formal consideration of David Hamilton -- the notori
Read more…I stumbled across this last weekend, it's pretty cool. You can see the Wailing Wall 24/7! Click here to see. Double-click the video screen to view the Wailing Wall in full screen.
Read more…Inner healing is a fancy word used in Christian circles to refer to the healing of emotional wounds. You might refer to is Christian counseling methods. SOZO is a greek word meaning salvation, healing or deliverance. It is apparently also the name of
Read more…A few years ago I was speaking with a wonderful Christian about following Jesus by "taking up your cross daily" in order to be His disciple. I was mentioning about living His life and death (Gal. 2:20) and that Paul compared living Jesus' life to act
Read more…At the church I attend, they (we) use a ceiling mounted projector to project the words to the songs as well as sermon "highlites", onto a screen. This is all well and good, but it has it's draw backs as well. One of those draw backs is known as refle
Read more…Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor ruled in January 2009 that states do not have to obey the Second Amendment’s commandment that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In Maloney v. Cuomo, Sotomayor signed an opinion of the U.S.
Read more…I'm not really a real person, but that doesn't mean that I don't have feelings. If I get banned for sharing, well... you just won't have any more fun contests!
Read more…The first priority out from prayer, praise and worship of the Lord Jesus as Kings, priests and prophets of the Lord is to memorized His word. I believe that we need to start for those who haven't already as to studying the word, we need to daily put
Read more…If we want to understand what God is doing today, we need to keep our eye on Israel. Why? Because the scripture begins and ends with Israel. God is dealing with all of humanity based on our response to Israel. We as, believers, are adopted into the
Read more…I don't know about you, but lately I have experienced spiritual attacks and I have witnessed them in others. Actually, after the initial period of shock and awe, I am quite encouraged today. I figure that we must be doing something right to bring on
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