There are two distinct sides to this whole story of my becoming a music teacher and of fulfilling my life’s first purpose (described in the Introduction). One side is the vision of my music supervisor and the other is my readiness and cooperation. Th
"Music doesn't exist until it is performed." --Benjamin Britten
In an earlier section Talking About vs. Doing, I mentioned that music is an aural art form and as such, needs to be played to hear it. I also relayed the story of a student music teache
In a previous section, Teachers’ Three Phases, we considered three sequential stages teachers must progress through to be successful. In a parallel manner, there are six stages learners must progress through to acquire skills successfully and transit
This was in an email from Don E. Wildmon of the American Family Association. I have also attached the original email to this discussion, (as HTML and .msg format) so you can quickly forward it to your family and friends.
This was in an email from Don E. Wildmon of the American Family Association. I have also attached the original email to this discussion, (as HTML and .msg format) so you can quickly forward it to your family and friends.
MOSES’ TEACHING DILEMMA AND GOD’S SOLUTION. Imagine with me for a moment what it must have been like in Moses’ shoes (sandals) coming down from Mt. Sinai. Moses had just spent 40 glorious days with the Lord receiving all of the laws recorded in Levit
Taking risks in a public setting such as teaching or preaching directly activates one’s fear of failure. The most rewarding intrinsic accomplishment I ever made was eliminating my fear of failure and need to control. Beyond fear of failure is a wonde
My general music classroom was a continuous performance of music with high levels of musicianship and artistry at all times. My music supervisor actually took advantage of this. He walked in unannounced one day with two distinguished looking gentleme
In the first section titled Your Paradigms, I commented how regular teachers’ beliefs, whether thought or spoken as both are equally powerful, set the minds and attitudes of students under them. Because regular teachers’ mindsets had great depth of i
What it means: We, the Kingdom of God, should be shedding His light to all dimensions of society.
God’s infinite wisdom should be affecting positive change at all levels of society…
-Laws. For instance, we should have righteous laws that protect the
Nehemiah Walk.
What it means: Nehemiah did 3 things that we would do well to imitate.
1. Confession. Nehemiah heard that the walls were broken down. He confessed his sins and the sins of his people.
2. Consecration. Nehemiah consecrated, set aside hi
Prayer and Fasting.
What it means: Nothing significant happens in the Kingdom without prayer and fasting. The burden to pray for this region has been strong. We are intentionally working to stir more in the Kingdom to prayer and fasting.
An encouraging email!
A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8 year old daughter.
The girls were buried alive! then He reported to the police that an uncle killed th
This is a follow up to witnessing to atheists on twitter.
If you are battling the atheists, anti-theists and antiChrists on twitter or elsewhere - please share so that we can pray for and support each other!
My parents made many mistakes. Bottom line there is much that they caried from thier own childhoods and were not taught. It is impossible to pass on things that you never learned yourself. It is easy for me to get bogged down thinking about the thing
I am the only child of a perfectly functional family. My parents were devoted to God and to each other. Even though that is true, there are many things that were left unsaid or undiscovered in conversations with my parents as a grew to be an adult.
I titled this section Bury Dead Tradition because we have got too much dead tradition weighing down our churches. Many people admit this, but few do something about it. For decades, we have all been milling around the wake at dead tradition’s coffin.
I mentioned before that I had a narrow-minded belief about “haves” and “have nots” and I blamed students’ learning failures as, “Those STUPID STUDENTS, why don’t they get it? Oh well, such is life—win some, lose some!” I regretfully thought this for
Teachers must go through three developmental phases in order to become successful at educating. The first phase is commonly experienced through undergraduate, pre-service teaching, and the first few years of professional employment. The second phase
My curriculum resume has the following statement at the top of it: “In my life long search for the boundaries of my students’ learning capabilities, I only ever found the limits of my teaching abilities.” How did I come to realize this? Just like the