Anything that is in the public domain is free of copyright restrictions. So, you can publish public domain sermons on your website to bulk up your content. I've found some public domain sermons, hymns, even audio books your ministry can use:
Gay Rights over Parents' Rights- Canada laws shadowing the fascism to come in America as Canada moves to bar parents from teaching their children homose
The web has become a place where people go for a slew of things. It's also a place of entertainment. With people using their video cameras to make youtube hits. But it's more than just that, it has become a useful source of information, and the tech
IDENTITY CRISIS. Identity crisis is a psychological condition in which one is uncertain about one’s self and one’s role in society. This discussion thread might be said to have an identity crisis. Is it about music teaching or spiritual preaching? Is
You may have many different directions your church is going in way of media ministry, such as recording your sermons, having a worship team, managing a media ministry blog, etc. But one important thing to keep in mind is that your media ministry shou
A media ministry blog showcases your media ministry and presents a global outreach opportunity. Think about it: people all over the world with internet access will be able to view your media ministry blog and be touched by your recorded messages, wor
Think Media Ministry is just limited to producing CDs of your weekly sermons? Think again. There are many ways your church can use media ministry- some ways you may not have ever thought of before! Here are some creative ways your church can incorpor
The book, A Kingdom Tale, takes us into the human side of ministry where egos are on the line, people are often gathered as trophies, the ministry with the the most trophies wins. There is unabashed selfishness and patent unbel
When I was in 4th grade the song, "Shout to the Lord" by Hillsong came out. I remember our little church in Liberty, PA singing this song and every single time I was overwhelmed by the lyrics. The second the chorus started I always felt my arms lifti
MUSIC GATEWAY SKILLS. Music has two gateway skills, upon which ALL other music skills are built. After changing my beliefs about “haves” and “have nots,” I learned that all of music is founded on two basic skills, and that no one can DO anything in m
New to media ministry? If you are new to the whole putting your message on a CD thing it can be kind of scary not knowing what you need to get started. Well, I am here to tell you it is simple to get started. You don't need a lot of technical knowled
These concepts, self-actualization and finding and fulfilling our destiny, are not out of necessity juxtaposed, but for the purpose of illustrating the point of this writing, they are. We all desire 'to be' and many of us desire to be all that we