The birds are back. Migration is in full swing. Ducks, geese, gulls, blackbirds, a swan, and even a killdeere once again abound on the local swamp. I wonder how do they know it is time to go? How do they know they won't get caught in freak storm
The Kingdom Way
God is raising up a new people of God.
He is calling them to live a new way, The Kingdom Way.
What does this look like?
In order to understand the Kingdom, we need a good understanding of Jesus and his role in history and our live
This one has always gotten my attention. Goes deeper then this. We got hades being hell or it being a grave.We got hell being eternal torture lasting forever or second death (soul being destroyed).
It seems to me, that one topic of interest for Christians is where are we on the time table? Has the Book of Revelation opened yet? And how does Mathew 24 relate to Book of Apocalypse? Are they talking about the same time frame? Will there be a Raptu
There are many ways to take this title. The way I am going to take it deals with a very specific issue.
There is an all night youth/young adult event sponsored by a church and led by Christian youth leaders who can be trusted to keep the event Christ
I don't know about everyone else, but I LOVE words, and grammar in general. On my iGoogle page, I am using a word-of-the-day widget from Merriam Webster's Dictionary website. I would like to share the word of the day from that website. Let's learn ne
This is a fun filled biblical movie for children ages 4-12 although that's what they say the age is but i watched the movie clip and i think that ill even enjoy this movie it shows courage strength and at the same time teaches the children a lesson i
Like most (if not all) of you on this forum, I have been watching this nation go spiraling downward at an accelerated pace; especially since B.Obama has been sitting in the Oval Office. I have also found myself praying, confessing my failures and sins
Just wondering if anyone knows of anything new coming out for Kid's Ministry? The kids I work with seem bored with the same old movies, books, and curriculum we've had for a while. I'd be interested in hearing about anything new in the next few month
So, ive been thinking about this subject lately. God calls us to be Holy as He is Holy and to be blameless in Holiness, etc etc. Ive been wondering...doesnt God call us all to the same point of Holiness? No one is called to be less holy or holier tha
Hello, this is Barb and I work for Kingdom System Integrators a sister company of Kingdom Tapes and Electronics. Would love to discuss this topic with anyone whom has questions. So many people I talk to just assume you can just buy any video projecto
Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups in a 32-question survey of religious knowledge by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. On average, Americans got 16 of the 32 questions correct. Atheists and agnostic
When Juanita let me join, I was following threads and sometimes I thought I was answering a thread and I was answering a general post. Somewhere I was reading a back and forth on whether the US is a Christian Nation.
Actually, nowhere in the Bible does it suggest marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Consider King David, for example, who had 300 wives and 700 concubines.
In the US, we are a nation ruled by the people. If you think about it, you will realize that our government and society around us is a reflection of what is happening in the church. We, the people of God, are unfruitful. It shows in decay all around