I would really like to know how many ppl have blogs and what their links are. Post your blog URL here so ppl can check them out!
mine is:
Read more…I would really like to know how many ppl have blogs and what their links are. Post your blog URL here so ppl can check them out!
mine is:
Read more…Wow - Bill Collier had an EXCELLENT article published on this.
I think this is one of the best articles I have read on Godlessness and its impact on Freedom
AND the solution.
I recommend it to you!
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The word theonomy is usually associated with dominionism, Christian reconstructionism, post- millennialism or theocracy, I don't think of it as any of these. I have seen numerous definitions of theonomy, I think the best definition would be: T
Read more…Rev 3:1-3 "To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. “I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up! Strengthen what remains a
Read more…I am an avid reader and have a lot of knowledge, but according to God's Word, I am a babe in Christ who still needs the pure milk of the Word to grow. Over the last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about 1 Pet 2 vs 1-3:
"Therefore. l
Read more…This song is really deep and filled with many layers of meaning. It talks about life and social issues affecting our nation right now. I encourage everyone to listen to it and please share your thoughts, and let me know if the song affected you in an
Read more…The U.S. Supreme Court defines atheism as a religion. There is various criteria that the court uses to evaluate what constitutes a religion. One of the criteria is the devotional aspect of a religion. In the past, the court decided that athei
Read more…How does Jealousy affect the body of Christ?
Jealousy is one of my fundamental sins. It is tied to vanity, but is also a major enabler of vanity, so I thought I'd see how God looks upon jealousy and how jealousy, and acting on its earthly impusle, wo
Reply by Freedomist
There is a trend going around the church. Tolerance. The church has been tolerating homosexuality, adultery, arrogance, pride, etc in their leade
This is a split thread. Feel free to continue your discussion here!
Reply by ZDENNY 11 hours ago
Jim stated, "if someone doesn't understand the fundamental contradiction between claiming to believe in the teachings of Christ w
Read more…From and Investors Business Daily:
Read more…….We may be about to live Benjamin Franklin’s adage, “People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserveneither and will lose both.”
The sections described below are taken fro
Do you know HOW LONG it has been since I have run a contest? Like F-O-R-E-V-E-R!
That is way TOO LONG!
To ENTER do one of the following three things
1. Comment on someone's discussion!
2. Comment on someone's blog
3. Enter a BLOG or a Disc
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God's promises is the way that God sanctifies us by weaning us off of the world's system. Think about what is said in 2 Pet 1 vs 3-4:
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him
Read more…This video was posted by Francis Thomas in "videos" and I thought it was thought provoking! Not just Christians vs Atheists but anyone who is breathing.
Good questions. I answered them!
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Join for cool stuff related to young adults as leaders and in ministry!!!!
The last sure sign of the Lord's return is street preaching - massive street preaching. Jesus said in Mt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. In all the w
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Revelation 19 vs 10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. In the post 9/11 era it might be necessary to update some of our understanding of prophecy. I'm specifically making reference to Rev. 17 vs 10-11:
"And th
Read more…As a Pastor I am sure it gets very frustrating when you see visitors in your church one week but never see them again. You proboably are asking yourself, “What are we doing wrong?” “Do we need to change the way we relate to visitors?” We are hosting
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