This is an article from World Net Daily:
Rallies catch fire against Obama's 'Minion Media'
'Operation: Can You Hear Us Now?' exploding 1 week after WND report
I mentioned in previous sections that learning is related to hearing, seeing, and doing. Let us consider these three categories a little more.
AURAL. First is the aural (hearing). Churches, for centuries, have taught the Scriptures aurally. We have
Criminal Contempt Case Over a Meal Prayer Goes to Trial on National Constitution Day
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By Christian Newswire Wednesday, September 16, 2009
In the Old Testament, the children of Isreal commerated acts of God by making piles of stones. These piles were a rememberance of what God had done.
Today, our rememberences can be much more than piles of stones. We can record and share our stories
What does it mean to impact an entire region for Christ?
God has called us to overcome the world. He has called us to reach all nations starting at home. Is that what our mission is? If not, our mission is too narrow and too small!
If we are to suc
What is God saying to you?
I think God is saying to me to not be fearless. This verse puts it well, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you
ONE SIMPLE PRAYER. As a Christian teacher in a public school setting, not being allowed to speak God’s Truth openly, I determined to live it strongly. I determined to go to school each day with the simple prayer that God would help me live truth so c
A few weeks ago a Jewish gentleman sat in my office. He asked for my help and for your help. Here is the story...
This is Ralph’s story and why he has come to us, Christian believers, for help. Ralph is very concerned about Iran's hostilty towards I
I was shocked when I watched a YouTube video that talked about how some vaccines are grown on the tissue of aborted babies. Did you know that? Neither do doctors, apparently, as they don't read the labels of the vaccines, and why would they? They've
The answer came in that it had been accepted but stillRead more…
I Would like to thank members for supporting the Gettin after Lefty show.
Just to fill you in on what is been going on, we have been picked up by a Conservative Christian Radio Group out of Kansas City Missouri "Aggressive Christian Thinking Radio
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I believe that we are in the final seconds of the last days as we know it. The rapture of the true believers is at hand. Jesuse could return at any time. The signs of the times are everywhere.
In the US, we are a nation ruled by the people. If you think about it, you will realize that our government and society around us is a reflection of what is happening in the church. We, the people of God, are unfruitful. It shows in decay all around
I've seen many church websites. They look like ordinary electronic brochures with ordinary organizational information. I don't mean to be fault-finding, but not many of them look business-like or professional, not very well organized or user-friendly
Responding versus reacting involves emotions, and to be a successful responder, you must accept your emotions as valid. When you became saved, I hope you did not check your emotions at the door because we are all made in the image of God, who is firs
A paradigm is an individual belief or personal philosophy inside you. Your belief system is the interaction of all of them together. Whether you have or have not thought out your paradigms, it makes no difference, because YOU ARE living them daily, o